25 Health and Fitness App Statistics

Everyone wants to be physically fit. Who wants to be sick anyway? However, not all wants to make effort to be fit. Some may say it is tiresome. Some may say it takes a long time. Some may say life is too short to do it. We can all agree there are some truth in those statements, but we can also agree there are more important reason why we should do it.

Leading a healthy lifestyle can be tedious most of the time. It forces you to control your eating habits and do uninteresting physical activities. However, at the end of the day, you mind your future as a healthy being, you think of your own family because you need to be there for them, and most significant of all, you feel better and confident about yourself.

As technology is progressing, it makes doing physical activities and being healthy so much easier.  Nowadays, there are smartphones that can measure your heart rate, a dedicated fitness tracker in our watches, there are exercise apps that are available to us, and whole lot more. According to studies, the usage of health and fitness apps grew by 330% in the past three years!

General Health and Fitness Statistics

  1. Only 1 out of 3 children are physically active. Perhaps, this is because children spend more than 7.5 hours daily in front of a screen (e.g. TV, mobile phones, computers etc.)

  1. It is projected in 2030 that half of all adults living in the USA will be obese.

  1. 27.5% of all adults are not physically inactive worldwide.

  1. Half of people who started an exercise program will stop after 6 months.

  1. The US spends $10 billion annually on exercise equipment.

  1. The health and fitness industry is worth $30 billion dollars in the US and it has been growing 3%-4% annually.

  1. Females are generally less physically active two studies suggest. Liverpool John Moores University revealed that girls participate in 6% less intense activities than boys. A similar study conducted by the University of Bristol suggest the same thing, only this time on women above 70 years of age.

  1. Active people tend to be sport fans, parents, and avid runners.

  1. Technology is important in managing health according to 75% of surveyed people.

  1. Monaco, Japan, and Singapore are among the fittest countries in the world.

Health and Fitness App Statistics

  1. 26% of Fitness Fanatics use fitness apps more than 10 times a week! Far from the average of 2 times a week for 75% of fitness app users.

  1. Weight Loss (73%) is the major reason why fitness fanatics use fitness apps. Followed by general health (21%).

  1. The most active day of the year is August 8, while the most inactive day is Christmas day (December 25). The app usage typically rises up again after people made their new year’s resolution and it builds up towards August which is the peak of fitness app usage.

  1. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays are the most active days while the most inactive day is Saturday.


  1. Fitbit is the most popular health and fitness app with 27.4 million active users monthly. Followed by ‘MyFitnessPal’ garnering 19.1 million active users, and Samsung’s Health app (S Health) with 14.9 million active users monthly.
  1. Year-over-year growth of health and fitness app usage is slowing down from 330% increase in 2014, to 178% increase in 2015, and finally to ONLY 9% in 2016!

  1. In the study by Flurry Analytics, they found out that 62% of people using fitness apps are women.

  1. There are 320,000 health and fitness app available for download. However, a study claims they rarely work.

  1. 2017 statistics show that only 26% of people would use an app to track their diet and nutrition and 17% strongly said they would rather not.

  1. 200 health apps are uploaded daily.

  1. Diabetes and Obesity have the biggest mHealth market potential.

  1. mHealth apps can reduce visits to the doctor’s office according to 40% of physicians.

  1. Survey reveals that 58% of smartphone users downloaded a health or fitness app.

Fitness Trackers Statistics

  1. It is projected that in 2021 that there will be 51.73 million of unit shipment of smart wristbands worldwide.

  1. 8% of Americans own an Apple watch.

Most adults do not have the luxury of time to do physical activities. There are a lot of reasons why: career, family, business etc. However, one should still do the best of their abilities to exercise every now and then. Balance in everything should be our priority. There is the time for career, the time for family, and the time for business. But one should not forget the ‘time for oneself’. Wake up earlier and jog for 30 minutes. Don’t forget about your health.

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